It is widely accepted that chronic pain cannot be tackled just by one type of treatment, so Joe and Chris wanted to build a Pain Management Programme which adequately prepares chronic pain sufferers, not just for management of their pain, but for all aspects of their life. Of course there are numerous Pain Management Programmes already in existence but none combine all the elements Joe and Chris are suggesting, nor do others have so much patient input. What also makes the Affa Sair backed PMP stand out from others currently being used, is that the proposal includes complete online content and backup. It uses complementary techniques found to be effective by most patients, peer to peer patient support and sessions designed to help patients navigate the current complicated benefit system, together with Pharmacy, Dietetics and Sleep Hygiene sessions.
Sessions of the new PMP have been designed based on successful areas of existing PMPs and areas that Joe and Chris, fellow chronic pain sufferers and pain specialist clinicians, have identified as being required in a successful Pain Management Programme. The proposed PMP can be standardised across the country removing the “postcode lottery” currently faced by patients. We intend for the new PMP to be accessible from both primary and secondary care so patients can develop management methods alongside other secondary referrals e.g., neurology, rheumatology, gastroenterology etc.
This improved pain management programme will be produced at a reduced cost compared to existing services within the NHS. Discussions have already taken place with NHS Futures Finance to cost out the programme making it attractive to financially stretched NHS Managers.
You can download the Pain Management Programme from the following links:
PDF Version of the Presentation
PowerPoint Show Version (for those who do have PowerPoint installed)
Affa Sair Pain Management Programme
In 2020 Affa Sair member Joseph Parsons, a Biochemist and Ehlers Danlos Sufferer recognised that existing Pain Management Programmes could be improved to better help chronic pain sufferers. He started designing a new PMP to be rolled out throughout the NHS. Joe contacted Affa Sair Chairman, Chris Bridgeford, to help with the new PMP and they have now been working together to develop the programme and have secured the backing and help of many health professionals and The Affa Sair SCIO Board.